Sunday, August 20, 2023

Process Analysis - Eliminate, Combine, Divide, Rearrange, Simplify - ECDRS Method - Barnes

Effectiveness First and Efficiency Next.  Organizations have to be effective and efficient simultaneously. Processes have to be effective and efficient simultaneously. Operations have to be effective and efficient simultaneously. - Narayana Rao

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Process - Method - Motion - Machine Effort - Human Effort - Industrial Engineering Terms

Process describes the steps or operations involved producing a part or a product (Operation Process Chart and Flow Process Chart of Parts)

In the process chart, material transformation operations, inspection operations, material handling operations and storage operations take place. To facilitate the operations, we need production planning and communications.

We all know process plans. Process plan is the term used to describe the steps undertaken in material transformation operation to convert raw material into part especially using machine tools. We can extend the idea and say that process is described through process plan, inspection plan, material handling plan, storage plan, production plan (quantity plan) and communications plan.

Also in each operation there is machine effort and human effort. To describe human effort, we use the term motion. We study motions and improve human effort to make it more productive, comfortable and safe.

Method is another popular term. Method is basically the arrangement of  raw material (input), machine, machine controls, cutting tools and hand tools, jigs & fixtures, finished parts disposal channels and bins and man at the work station. The method that is arrangement of the work station as well as the facilities design (if operator has to go fetch some inputs) determines the motions to be made by the operators. The selection of tools etc. also became part of method. But they are basically specified as part of the process. Hence motion study was extended as method study. Method and motion have to be studies together.

Process Analysis in Industrial Engineering

ECRS is the primary method of process analysis in industrial engineering. It determines the operations required to transform the input into the required output. An explanation of the process is that it starts from point an input is taken from the stores to the point a finished item is given back to the stores. The input can be raw material in which case in a discrete part assembly plant, a part is made and sent to parts warehouse.  The parts input is taken by the assembly shop and a finished product is sent to finished proudct stores. During the process various operations are done on the input that comes to each operation in sequence. Operation analysis studies each operation to examine each element associated with the machine and man used in the operation.

The process itself can be changed totally. For example a part made inside presently can be changed to a bought out part process. In this case the complete existing process is totally changed. Similarly, if part currently made in machine shop can be changed to an additive manufacturing process. In this case, even the raw material gets changed and a total new process comes into existence. So we can see that a process analysis can change the current complete process by a new process based on a different core technology.

ECRS Method - Barnes

The Original ECRS Method can be now thought of as ECDRS Method (Narayana Rao).

Eliminate, Combine, Divide,  Rearrange, Simplify (ECDRS)


Motion and Time Study: Design and Measurement of Work, 7 Edition
John Wiley and Sons
Chapter 6. Work Methods Design - Developing a Better Method

ECRS is primarily a method of process analysis in industrial engineering. ECDRS is now proposed.

Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange and Simplify steps are used at the level of  operation and motion also.

At the level of analysis of the processes, it is operations which are subjected to ECRS.

At the level of operation, it is elemental operations  which are subjected to ECRS.

In motion study, individual motions are subjected to ECRS.

If the technology of manufacturing a product is divided into processes, ECRS can be applied to even processes.

A. Eliminate all unnecessary operations/

The Procter and Gamble has found this step so profitable that is has established a formal procedure for the "the elimination approach."

1. Select the cost for questioning:  Major costs must be selected first in order to get the greatest money returns. Labor costs, material costs, clerical costs, and overhead costs of all kinds are possible subjects for elimination.

2. Identify the basic cause: Find the basic cause which makes it necessary for doing the process/operations/element  that results in the cost. A basic cause is the reason, purpose, or intent on which the elimination of the cost depends.  The basic cause is the factor which controls the elimination of the cost. The key question is, "This could be eliminated if it were not for what basic cause?"

In more simple terms ask, "What makes this operation necessary?" You are asking what function is served by this operation? If once knows the function, the first question is whether the function is necessary. Second question is if it is necessary what are the alternate ways of doing this function and what do they cost. Then it goes into value engineering methodology which is same as productivity engineering methodology. If alternatives cost less, an engineering effort is to be undertaken to use the low cost alternative way in this application.

This question also examines the effectiveness of the operation. If the operation is not giving effective output that is valued by the customer, alternatives first have to be found for making the operation effective. Effectiveness designers have to be called in to examine and make the operation effective. The immediate issue that requires attention is not efficiency but effectiveness.

At this stage we do not ask the question "Why is this operation necessary?" This question is avoided because it tends to justify and defend the job's existence. Operation for which, there is no basic cause that adds value can be eliminated at once.

3. If the basic is identified, it can be questioned in two ways.
a. Disregard the basic cause:
b. Apply "why?" questioning:


Packing Lettuce in Cartons:  In packing lettuce, ice was interspersed between the layers of lettuce in wooden crate. In the changed method, fiberboard carton was used and it was quickly cooled to 36 to 38 degree farenheit in a vacuum cooling plant. No ice is required and it saved $3 per box. The fiberboard carton was also cheaper than wooden crate.

Code Dating Cartons: Four dates were being stamped on the each carton of soap. The reason for it is know when the carton of soaps was manufactured. Only one date is sufficient and rest three were eliminated.

Splicing Insulated Wires: In the cables of the Bell system 250,000,000 splices were done between wires. The earlier method was to skin the insulation of the two wires to be connected, twisting the two bare wires together and slipping an insulation sleeve over the twist.  In the revised method, a pneumatic tool is used that flattens and connects the two wires along with a phosphor-bronze tang. Skinning and twisting the bare wires was totally eliminated.

B. Combine Operations 

Normally it is thought more efficient to break down a process into many simple operations. But, this division of labor may have been carried too far resulting in excessive handling of materials, tools and equipment. Such situations can be identified and corrected by simply combining two or more operations by making some changes in the operations.


An operator was loading the input Wood at input side of the molding machine. At the output end another operator was collecting the output and loading them in the truck.  Two short conveyors were installed that made it possible for one operator to take out and incoming material and load the outgoing material on the same truck. For facilitating this, in the truck four parts were made and only three were loaded with raw material. This arrangement reduced the number of trucks needed and also saved floor space.

B1. Divide/Split

Along with the evaluation of combine, evaluation of divide can be done. Combine and divide are examining the design of the process into operations which require a change of set up. A change of tool can also be thought of as change in set up. As part of process analysis, which looks into the operations design or the number of operations in the process, the need for further division of the operation also needs to be evaluated.

Can the present operation be divided further to increase productivity with present set of machines or new set of machines?

C. Change the Sequence of Operations

When production is scaled up, the original method may still be retained even though it can be improved. For this and for other reasons it is desirable to examine and question the order in which the various operations are performed.


In one plant, small assemblies were made on semiautomatic machines in department A, were stored in department B, 10% of the assembles were inspected in department C, and were packed for shipment in department D.  Whenever there were more defects found in 10% inspection, all the stock was inspected till the production system was adjusted to eliminate the defect.

The system was modified, and the inspectors were placed in department A at the end of each line  and were asked to inspect 10% as production is coming out of the line. Whenever excessive defects were found, the line was corrected immediately. This simple arrangement was easy and inexpensive and saved the company tens of thousands of dollars in inspection and also reduced the number of scrapped parts.

D. Simplify the Necessary Operations.  

After the steps of Eliminate, Combine, Rearrange are done, the step Simplify is taken up.  In the step the operation is simplified or improved.  In other words, the over-all process level issues are examined first and then the detail of the operation is studied.

Question every thing about the job being done using machines and operators in the operation under investigation. The design of the product, the material being used, tools and equipment, machining processes used, jigs and fixtures, speeds and feeds,  the working conditions, the operator and the manual motions used. This activity has a more detailed analysis technique termed as operation analysis.

Simplifying or improving the operation by doing engineering and managerial actions takes bulk of time in process productivity improvement. Detailed information on each step or operation in the process needs to be collected. This information is to be for machines and operators as the main resources used. Machine effort industrial engineering and human effort engineering are important components of process productivity improvement. To do improvement of the existing machine effort, industrial engineers have to keep themselves abreast of relevant engineering knowledge. Knowledge management is very important for IE departments. Creativity is to be used to identify the engineering development, tool or accessory, method or machine that will improve productivity in an operation.

Operation analysis book was written by Maynard to explain the detailed analysis involved in the simplification step.

Ask questions

Regarding equipment. Which equipment is being used? What cutting tools and accessories are being used? Number of questions need to be asked regarding machine and its work. For the current engineering knowledge, the appropriate items are to be selected and questions are to be asked whether it is more productivity to replace the current methods, tools and machines. (Machine Work Study or Machine effort industrial engineering)

Regarding operators. Who is doing the job? Who could do it better? Can a person with less skill do the job? Can we change the job so that less skilled person can do the job? (Human Effort Industrial Engineering)

How is the work done? Eliminate, combine, rearrange and simplify motions.

Barnes has clearly indicated that as part of process improvement or operation improvement, the automatic method of doing each element has to be developed and it is to be compared with manual method and machine-man method. Industrial engineer have to ask the question for each element during every process improvement study, when an automatic method can be developed and whether its cost is less than the present method of doing the element (With thanks to Prof. Shahrukh Irani)

Comment by Prof. Shahrukh Irani in a Linkedin Topic

ECDRS ..... Prof, what is your bibl source for this plz? Am curious about where split comes. And you left out automate at the end?

My answer.

Shahrukh Irani,  Thank you for noticing it and commenting. ECDRS. D is added by me. I feel both combine and divide can be thought of by the industrial engineer. We do it in assembly line balancing. As required, we combine basic activities to create the task for each work station. Some times we split them to increase output. Thank you for pointing "automate." In the simplify step, automate has to be there compulsorily. It has to be  the primary industrial engineering task. To develop automatic mechanism for each engineering engineering element in an operation whenever possible. It has to be economically feasible.

Ask Questions. Process Analysis - Questions/Check List

Book: Productivity Through Process Analysis by Jinichi Ishiwata
Four basic principles for process improvements
1. Eliminate processes whenever possible.
2. Simplify them. (Operations analysis)
3. Combine them
4. Change the sequence
1. Eliminate  - Can this be eliminated? What will happen if we eliminate it?
2. Simplify - Can this made simpler?  - the task of operations analysis
3. Combine - Can two or more processes be consolidated into one?
4. Change sequence - Can this operation be switched with another one?

Big three problems in process: waste, irrationality, and inconsistency.

5W1 Analysis for Product Process Analysis
Operation - Why - Who is doing it - Which machine - where - when - How

Can the layout be changed to reduce the transportation?
Can number of inspections be reduced?
Are any inspections unnecessary?
Can necessary inspections be done while the product is being processed?
Can number of delays be reduced?

Book: Motion and Time Study - Improving Productivity by Marvin E. Mundel

Checklist for Process Chart - Product Analysis

Basic principles
1. Reduce number of steps.
2. Arrange steps in best order.
3. Make steps as economical as possible (operation analysis).
4. Reduce handling.
5. Combine steps if economical.
6. Shorten moves.
7. Provide most economical means for moving (operation analysis)
8. Cut in-process inventory to workable minimum
9. Use minimum number of control points at most advantageous places


1. Can any step be eliminated?

a. as unnecessary. (Ask: Why is it done?)
b. By new equipment (Ask: Why is present equipment used?)
c. By changing the place where it is done or kept. (Ask: Why is it done there?)
d. By changing the order of work. (Ask: Why is it done in its present order?)
e. By changing the product design. (Ask: Why is it made as it is?)
f. By changing the specifications of the incoming supply. (Ask:  Why is it ordered in its present form or used at all)

2. Can any step be combined with another?

a. By changing the specifications of supplies, or of any raw material?
b. By changing the design of the product, even if only the tolerances?
c. By changing the order of the steps of production, or doing inspection at any operation station so as to avoid an inventory of faulty product?
d. By changing the equipment used (e.g., using a multifunction machine, or creating a multimachine work cell served by a single person or by a robot)/
e. By redesigning one or more work places?

3. Can steps be rearranged so as to make any shorter or easier?

4. Can any step be made easier?

Book: Motion and Time Study: Design and Measurement of Work by Ralph M. Barnes
Following approaches should be considered in developing preferred work method
A. Eliminate all unnecessary work.
B. Combine operations or elements.
C. Change the sequence of operations
D. Simplify the necessary operations

(Simplify the necessary operations. See for more details - Operations Analysis - )

Questioning Every Things About the Job

Methods improvement is carried out by questioning every thing about the job being done now.

Questions are:

1. What is done? Why should it be done (Find the purpose of the operation)
2. Which machine is being used? Why?
3. Who does the work? Why this person?
4. Where is the work done? Why that place?
5. When is the work done? Why at that time and the step in the process?
6. How is the work done? Why is it done this way? Barnes highlights that a careful analysis and the application of principles of motion economy is needed in this step.

Process Productivity Analysis and Process Productivity Engineering.

There is a need for extending the steps in the process analysis of existing processes.  Like in Value Analysis/Value Engineering, we need to identify two steps in process analysis. Process Productivity Analysis and Process Productivity Engineering.

Process Productivity Analysis


Is there any knowledge now which indicates that the operation can be totally eliminated?


Is there a new technology that may increase the productivity of this operation?


Can the operations in sequence in the present process be combined with the use of existing machines only for increase in productivity? Can they be combined with different set of machines for increasing productivity?


Can the present operation be divided further to increase productivity with present set of machines or new set of machines?


Can this operation be done somewhere else in the sequence for increase in productivity?

Rearrange - Combine

After rearranging, can it be combined with other operation in sequence?

Rearrange - Divide

After rearranging, can it be divided for increase in productivity?


Can we change tools, work holders, jigs and fixtures etc. and modify the operation to make it more productive?

Adopt new technology

Is there an opportunity to adopt new technology, machine for this operation?

The productivity analysis done to answer the questions will indicate the scope for redesign of the process. This will be done in the step of process productivity engineering/operation productivity engineering.

Case Study Papers

August 2012 Blog Post

ECRS’s Principles for a Drinking Water Production Plant.
IOSR Journal of Engineering, May. 2012, Vol. 2(5) pp: 956-960

Improvement of Efficiency in Biodegradable Packaging Process
2010 conference paper

The Original ECRS Method can be now thought of as ECDRS Method.

Eliminate, Combine, Divide,  Rearrange, Simplify (ECDRS)

ECDRS Method formally added on 8 January 2020. The step of divide was included in the writeup many years ago.

Lesson 81 of  Industrial Engineering ONLINE Course

Updated 20.8.2023,  17.3.2022,  4.10.2021, 20 August 2021,  28 April 2021,  6 August 2020,  8 March 2020,  8 January 2020,  3 July 2019,  2 June 2019, 16 August 2018,   12 June 2016,  3 Sep 2013


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