Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD) and Methods Design Concept (MDC) 2017 IE Book Information

Alin Posteuca, Shigeyasu Sakamoto - Authors' Further Explanatory Articles


Productivity improvement and cost reduction have to be planned and achieved every year. Top managers have to take up the challenge  to opportunities to obtain annual and multiannual manufacturing target cost reduction whether sales volumes are expected to  increase  or decrease. Product introductions, withdrawals, new market entry, withdrawal etc. need not affect cost reduction and productivity improvement. Industrial engineering department has to engage itself in the improvement activity in response to industry trends that demand productivity improvement and facilitate productivity improvement.

Manufacturing profitability improvement through productivity and costs reduction is, and will remain, an eternal challenge to ensure perpetual prosperity in a global market.

Manufacturing Cost Policy Deployment (MCPD) and Methods Design Concept (MDC): The Path to Competitiveness

Alin Posteuca, Shigeyasu Sakamoto
CRC Press, March 2017,  434 pages

Increasing profitability through increasing productivity is a fundamental task of the management teams of any production company along with introducing better and new products and earning more revenue and profits.

The MCPD system is developed by Alin Posteuca, is a manufacturing cost management policy aimed at continuous cost improvement through a systemic and systematic approach to improving productivity. The MCPD is a methodology that improves the production flow driven by the need for Manufacturing Cost Improvement (MCI) for both existing and future products through setting targets and means to continuously improve production process productivity for each product family cost.

The MDC, developed by Shigeyasu Sakamoto, designs the effective manufacturing methods using a tool of engineering steps identifying ideas for increasing productivity called KAIZENSHIRO (improvable value as a target). The MDC results on production methods lead to effectiveness of work measurement for performance (P) and to knowledge and improvement of production control and planning as utilization (U), in order to achieve target costs.

The combination of MCPD and MDC methodologies can provide a unique approach for the managers who are seeking new ways for increasing productivity and profitability to increase the competitive level of their manufacturing company.

30 October 2019, 3 August 2017

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